重庆理工大学学报(自然科学) ›› 2023, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 198-207.

• 信息·计算机 • 上一篇    下一篇


唐 雄,赵 津,韩金彪,刘 鹏   

  1. 贵州大学 机械工程学院,贵阳 550025
  • 出版日期:2023-10-17 发布日期:2023-10-17
  • 作者简介:唐雄,男,硕士研究生,主要从事远程驾驶研究,Email:gs.tangx20@gzu.edu.cn;通信作者 赵津,男,博士,教授, 主要从事无人驾驶、无人车与无人机协同控制研究,Email:zhaoj@gzu.edu.cn。

A congestion control algorithm for remote driving data transmission

  • Online:2023-10-17 Published:2023-10-17

摘要: 针对远程驾驶领域所需的高实时性网络传输应用场景,提出了自适应 BBRv2拥塞 控制算法,旨在优化 BBRv2拥塞控制算法在远程驾驶网络中不同往返时延(roundtriptime, RTT)流共享瓶颈链路的公平性,使其工作点趋近最佳工作点,并降低因为偏离最佳工作点造成 的高传输时延。所提算法通过添加一个以 RTT为减函数的因子动态提高较小 RTT流的竞争 性,设置排队时延阈值,改善较大 RTT流和较小 RTT流的反应灵敏度,实现相对公平的带宽分 配和低时延传输。通过网络仿真器 3(networksimulator,NS3)平台验证自适应 BBRv2拥塞控制 算法的有效性,结果表明:相比于 BBRv2,在远程驾驶网络深度缓冲区,自适应 BBRv2算法在公 平性上提升 39.4%,时延大幅降低。

关键词: 远程驾驶, 拥塞控制, BBRv2, NS3

Abstract:  Aiming at the high real-time network transmission application scenarios required in the remote driving field, an adaptive BBRv2 congestion control algorithm is proposed, which aims to optimize the fairness of the BBRv2 congestion control algorithm in sharing bottleneck links between different RTT flows in the remote driving network, make its working point approach the optimal working point, and reduce the high transmission delay caused by deviation from the optimal work point. The proposed algorithm improves the competitiveness of shorter RTT flows by adding a factor dynamic with RTT as the minus function, and improves the response sensitivity of longer RTT flows and shorter RTT flows by setting the queuing delay threshold to achieve relatively fair bandwidth allocation and low delay transmission. The effectiveness of the adaptive BBRV2 congestion control algorithm is verified through the Network Simulator (NS3) platform. The results show that, compared with BBRv2, the adaptive BBRv2 algorithm under the depth buffer of the remote driving network improves the fairness by 39.4% and significantly reduces the delay.


  • U463.6